Artist Dates
Alternative Names
Peter, Wadaimu, Wadamu, Waremu, Woreimu
Waḏaymu Ganambarr
The brother of Larrtjanŋa Ganambarr, Waḏaymu Ganambarr was taught to paint by Mawalan Marika, assisting him on the painting Djan’kawu Creation Story (1959) commissioned by Stuart Scougall and Tony Tuckson for the Art Gallery of New South Wales. Preferring to live at Galiwin’ku (Elcho Island), he produced a number of works in brightly colored inks and acrylic paint on paper for the collector John Money between 1968 and 1971. He continued producing paintings on bark until his death in 1997, establishing himself as one of the leading artists on Galiwin’ku.