The Lamamirri clan are an extinct Yirritja clan. Their spiritual themes include Mirinyuŋu, the sacred whale, whose breathing manifests as a blowhole (or marine geyser) at Nanydjaka, and the sacred rock Ŋulwarrlu.
Lamamirri Country is located at Nanydjaka.
The Lamamirri clan spoke the Dhuwal language. Although the last member of the clan died in 1996, members of closely linked clans maintain Lamamirri Country and sacred songs. Part of this caretaking involves the creation of bark painting. Clans who are linked to the Lamamirri are Gumatj, Warramiri and Munyuku. Djalaliŋba Yunupiŋu of the Gumatj clan is the senior custodian and authority on Lamamirri traditions. His daughter Deturru is an artist and paints Lamamirri spiritual themes under his direction. In the 1960s, Wandjuk Marika and Mungurrawuy Yunupiŋu both painted Lamamirri clan designs.
The consulting curator from the Lamamirri clan for this project was Yälpi Yunupiŋu.
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