"The spirit man, Wuyal was looking for a gaḏayka (eucalyptus tetrodonta) tree containing honey, and when he found one he chopped it down. It fell into the saltwater named Guḏaltja, and a wave took it as far as destiny allowed until it crashed onto the rock. And from there, the honey children were born. When we see the flowers blossoming, we sing dhaŋarra, and it reminds us of all the spirits of the people who have gone before us and will bloom again. Djuluwa, Gatjiny’tji, Dhaltaŋu: these are the sacred names called in the songlines.
I am speaking about the events at the place called Gurka’wuy. Gurka’wuy is a sacred place. From here, a Djarrka (monitor lizard ancestor) came out, and he made his journey to a place called Djiḻpin. Djarrka saw that place, near that Waṉambi tree, and made his journey upward, and once he got to his destination, he turned into a person. Now, we call that place Djarrkapuy."
Additional Information
c. 1972
Natural pigments on eucalyptus bark
Dimensions (IN)
43 ¾ x 20 ½
Dimensions (CM)
111.1 x 52.1
Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection of the University of Virginia. Edward L. Ruhe Collection. Gift of John W. Kluge, 1997. 1993.0004.866
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About The Artist(s)
Artist Dates
Alternative Names
Midili, Midhili
Mithili Waṉambi
Mithili Waṉambi was a member of the Northern Territory Special Reconnaissance Unit of the Australian Army formed by Donald Thomson and Woŋgu to protect Northern Australia from Japanese invasion during World War II. His children Wukuṉ, Yalanba, Ralwurrandji and Boliny Waṉambi are all successful artists.
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